“Innovation thrives when people from different disciplines and backgrounds come together to develop new possibilities that none of them could have envisioned alone”. Amy C Edmundson
In today’s climate teams need to be able to adapt to many different working environments. We now have teams working remotely, hybrid working as well as the traditional in person situations. They need to find ways to genuinely integrate their different perspectives to create brand-new possibilities. This is known as ‘teaming’.
At Simple Coaching Solutions we believe that by nurturing and cultivating relationships individuals can feel heard and understood, thus making it easier to come together to build highly effective teams.
So you want to:
Provide a psychologically safe environment where feedback is welcomed and explored by everyone.
​Improve rapport, relationships, and communications in your team.
Help your team achieve their collective goals.
Create a culture of understanding, open and honest dialogue among all team members.
How we can help:
Bespoke team development courses that focus on self-awareness, relationships, communication, action planning and feedback.
We use proven models and tools to enhance learning and inspire improved performance.
Shared experience is known to build bonds, trust and understanding between team members. Whenever appropriate we design courses that create opportunities for adventure and experiential learning.
We provide flexible and affordable training solutions designed to meet the needs of any team. Specialists in soft training skills and Insights Discovery®.
Effective teams are aware of others’ needs, roles and perspectives. To do this effectively means learning to relate to people who are different and to integrate different perspectives into new, shared possibilities, plans and actions. Doing this well requires both affective (feeling) and cognitive (thinking) skills.
Insights Discovery® is a tool that can be quickly and skilfully embedded into your business or organisation and gives people the ability to connect, communicate and adapt with each other. A tool that enhances leadership, team dynamics and personal effectiveness.
For Individuals:
Raise self-awareness and confidence to bring the best version of themselves to work every day.
Understand what is motivating and driving them and how to motivate and inspire others.
Give them the tools to become more integrated and more aligned with the other people in the team.
For Teams:
Create an environment where people understand each other better, respect each other’s differences and connect with people who work in a different way.
Create a culture where teams are more focussed on their purpose as a whole, not just on what is ‘in it for them’.
Create a team that relies on deep interpersonal relationships to give candid feedback on a daily basis to improve the teams performance as a whole.